Ordina per:
Numeri intelligenti: La matematica che fa funzionare l’intelligenza artificiale di Google,...
Follia artificiale. Riflessioni per la resistenza dell'intelligenza umana
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Intelligenza artificiale. Guida al futuro prossimo
Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications Using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Mac...
Diritto e intelligenza artificiale. Profili generali, soggetti, contratti, responsabilità...
La rivolta delle macchine: Che cos'è la singolarità tecnologica e quanto presto arriverà
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Intelligenza artificiale
L'intelligenza artificiale. Saga fantascientifica o realtà scientifica?
Caffe2 Quick Start Guide: Modular and scalable deep learning made easy
#A.I. challenge. Amica o nemica? Come l’intelligenza artificiale cambia la nostra vita
Essentials of Java Zip: Top 100 Real Life Project Scenarios and Tips: Extracted from Lates...
Essentials of Kubernetes YAML: Top 100 Real Life Project Scenarios and Tips: Extracted fro...
MySQL/PDO Connection - A mini-course: A series of mini-projects showing how to connect to...
Have You Tried Explaining It To The Rubber Duck (404): Funny Notebook, Great Gift For Prog...
Build Complete Blog System using PHP, MYSQL and js: Learn how to build a complete professi...
Make a Google search engine clone: JavaScript PHP and MySQL: Learn JavaScript, PHP and MyS...
Oracle Apps DBA 12.2: Practical Approach of Oracle Apps DBA Course 12.2.x (English Edition...
SSRS Reporting & T-SQL Combo with Real World Tricks: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Servic...
Bike Shop Php Shop Script Laravel 8 & Voyager admin: Building and development Script Larav...
PHP: Complete Login and Registration System with PHP & MYSQL: Build a Complete & Secure PH...
Inequity in the Technopolis: Race, Class, Gender, and the Digital Divide in Austin (Englis...
The Undocumented Internals of the Bitcoin Ethereum and Blockchains from IPO to ICO: Learn...
Efficient XML Updates: Index-Aware Updates for a Native XML Database System
Developing Web Applications Using ASP.NET and Oracle (English Edition)
Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping Life and Business
ECDL più. Corso di Informatica per il primo biennio delle Superiori con esercitazioni onli...
ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with ScicosLab 4.4
La notte dei simulacri. Sogno, cinema, realtà virtuale
SNMP Interview Questions & Answers (English Edition)
SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB A 8.0: Dummies & Beginners Guide to being a pro, Samsung Galaxy Tab A 1...
XXVI lezioni di diritto dell'intelligenza artificiale
情報基礎と情報処理 -Windows8.1&Office2013対応- (第3版) (Japanese Edition)
Performing Mixed Reality
The New Apple iMac 27-inch 2020:: Beginners and Experts guide to learn and master how to u...
HPE Master ASE – Hybrid IT Solutions Architect V1: Official Certification Study Guide (HPE...
Have You Tried Explaining It To The Rubber Duck (JAVA SCRIPT): Funny Notebook, Great Gift...
CHROMECAST SIMPLE MANUAL FOR ALL USERS: Your simple DIY guide on how to set up your Chrome...
CHROMECAST: A fascinating guide to teach you how to set up your Chromecast and explore ama...
GUIDE TO APPLE POWERBEATS PRO: A comprehensive guide to buying, setting up and using the A...
Algoritmi per l’intelligenza artificiale: Progettazione dell’algoritmo - Dati e Machine Le...
Intelligenza artificiale e fenomeni sociali
Manuel de PHP: Apprenez à programmer et à développer vos sites web
Capitale algoritmico. Cinque dispositivi postmediali (più uno)
Realtà virtuali. Gli aspetti psicologici delle tecnologie simulative e il loro impatto sul...
Diritto delle imprese e intelligenza artificiale. Dalla Fintech alla Corptech